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April 2024 Membership Meeting Minutes

Arnold S Warshawsky | Published on 4/18/2024


Aqua Tutus Diving Club Meeting

April  7, 2024


Meeting called to order by President Jim Driggers at 7:00pm PST. This is a hybrid meeting with  22 members present at Roundtable Pizza in Castro Valley and 9 members attending via Zoom.


Jim called on the secretary to report: Minutes to March members meeting posted to club website, no BOD meeting in March. The March meeting minutes were approved.


  • Entertainment: Jim Presented a very interesting talk on basic underwater videography. The talk covered the purpose of the talk, compared UW videography to still photography, equipment needs (Jim noted that high-end still cameras shoot better video than many video cameras, but are expensive), and provided some examples of transitioning between shots.


  • Jim asked three visitors to introduce themselves tonight; one, Brian Grundy, was referred to the club by Oliver. One other person, Keith Kirkpatrick, was a former member of the club. [Note: Secretary missed the name of the third individual.]


Officer Reports

  • Treasurer Report: Our club has $2,778.21 in the Training fund and $5,001.77 in the General fund for a total of $7,779.98.
  • Training Report: Dennis reported on the upcoming Rescue Diver class: April 18-19 with nine participants. He called for club members interested in being “crash-test dummies” to join in. Dennis also mentioned the June snorkel trip planned for Lovers’ Point; noting that this is a good opportunity to begin to learn how to approach Northern California diving (assessing dive conditions, entries, and exits).
  • Membership Report: Debbie noted that we currently have  65 renewed members: 53 regular members, eight life members, and four associate members.
  • Newsletter: Oliver published the newsletter a few days ago.
  • Entertainment: Oliver reported that the May meeting is scheduled to be a Members Night, where club members share stills and video clips (MP4 files, please).  Low resolution videos are preferred to enable our Zoom audience.Oliver suggested  that if you only have one or two images, you might consider sending them to Dave Chervin who will coordinate a “group bucket”. For more information about Members Night, please contact either Oliver or Dave.
  • Communications: No issues to talk about. Communication are flowing well.


Old Business: Jim raised the question of, “What is ATDC?” Dive club, social club, dive training club, or some combination. He plans to send out a new survey to address that question.


New Business: Jim noted that Board Member-at-Large elections are held in June, so nominations would be timely at the May meeting. Self-nominations are encouraged


Upcoming Activities:

Apr 18 Board of Directors meeting (via Zoom); all members are invited.

Apr 20 Monthly club dive will be at the Del Monte Pier, Wharf 2; Lindsay Martin is  POC. Jim re ported that he has already coordinated with the Harbormaster with respect to permission and rules.

May 2 General membership meeting; members night.

May 11 Club snorkel dive at Lover’s Cove; Jim D. Is POC

May 16 Board of Directors meeting (via Zoom); all members are invited.

May 18-19 Rescue Diver class in-water training; Dennis is POC

June 6 General membership meeting

June 15 Club dive at North Monastery; Dennis is POC

June 20 Board of Directors meeting (via Zoom); all members are invited


Diving Reports:

  • Dennis reported that three club members traveled to Atlantis Resorts (Dumaguete, Philippines) for two weeks of muck diving. The three were him, Elaine B., and Arnie W. He noted that he completed 50 dives in the two weeks.
  • Several members went diving in Roatan and Bonaire. They reported seeing six eagle rays, seals, sharks, and turtles.
  • The Macabee club dive has fair visibility. Several of the group decided to swim out to the pinnacle..


Bone Award. No nominations.


Good Buddy Award.No nominations.


Jim showed his GoPro video rig while Dennis touted his Sealife camera rig and Dave C. Bragged about his Olympus.. There being no further business, Jim adjourned the meeting at 9:05  PST.



Faithfully submitted:


Arnie Warshawsky, Secretary