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May 2024 Club Dive at Del Monte Beach

Jim Driggers | Published on 5/28/2024
The Aqua Tutus monthly club dive for May, 2024 was held at Del Monte Beach, Monterey, CA, so that club divers could support the club's Rescue Diver class. Ajna Cackovic, Matt Warren and I supported the students while Mike Barrett did some exploring with his new DPV.  Mike's girlfriend Jen and Debbie Driggers provided shore support and kept Dennis Hocker company while Dennis' co-instructor, Neil Benjamin, led the in-water exercises.

Ajna and I anchored a SMB and then placed a weighted dive glove about 100 feet from the SMB to represent the "lost diver" the students searched for. Ajna and I assisted Niel and the students with some of the class in-water class exercises, such as raising a conscious and then unconscious diver to the surface. 

Visibility averaged eight to 10 feet during the dives and sea conditions were pretty calm. My dive computer shows coldest water temperature as 50 degrees, and I suspect the windy conditions made the land temperature feel like 60 degrees. All were grateful for whatever coats and jackets they could wear and the sunny conditions.

After the class's Saturday activities finished, most ate an early dinner at the London Pub, a five-minute walk down the beach from where the class was held.

Debbie and I didn't take part in the class's Sunday activities, but I was told that several students found the sunken sailboat at Del Monte after the classwork finished Sunday afternoon.