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June 2024 meeting minutes

Arnie Warshawsky | Published on 7/3/2024

Minutes Aqua Tutus Diving Club Meeting
June 6, 2024


Meeting called to order by President Jim Driggers at 7:02pm PST. This is a hybrid meeting with 17 members present at Roundtable Pizza in Castro Valley and 4 members attending via Zoom. (Of note, Arnie attended this meeting in person, as he was visiting relatives in California.)


Jim called on the club secretary to report: Minutes to May Membership meeting are posted on the club website. Debbie took minutes of the past Board of Directors meeting.


• Entertainment: Members Night. Arnie, two Dans, and Fritz showed stills and videos. There were more to show, but we ran out of time. Jim said we would roll over those image that were not presented to the next Members Night.


Officer Reports


• Treasurer Report: Helga reported that we have $2,778.21 in the Training fund and $4,870.84 in the General fund for a total of $7,649.05.


• Training Report: Dennis presented certificates of training to the graduates f the recent Rescue Diver class


and the renewals for the CPR/First Aid course. A total of ten students. Dennis presented the club with a


check for $2,008, which represented the profit from these classes. Debbie moved (several seconds) that


$1,000 of those proceeds be split between the two instructors (Dennis and Neil) to offset their professional liability insurance. The motion passed unanimously.


• Membership Report: Debbie noted that we currently have 68 members: 55 regular members, eight life


members, and five associate members.


• Newsletter: Oliver published the newsletter a few days ago.


• Entertainment: Jim recapped scheduled entertainment through the end of the year.


• Communications: Derek was not present, but there hare no communications issues raised. However,


there are no issues to talk about. Communication is flowing well.


Old Business: Jim opened the floor for nominations for Member-at-Large Board positions. There were four nominees from last month. There are three vacancies. David Sheh asked that his nomination be withdrawn. The remaining three nominees were elected by acclamation: Lindsay, Derek, and Giuseppe.


New Business: Oliver announced that David Sheh has accepted the position of Entertainment Coordinator, allowing Oliver to stand down.


Upcoming Activities:


June 20 July 11 Board of Directors meeting (via Zoom); all members are invitedGeneral membership meeting—this is a change from the usual pattern since July 4th is the first Thursday.Salt Point Campout
Aug 9-11
Diving Reports:


• Fritz reported about diving at Bonaire


• Arnie reported that he recently completed a one-week dive charter on the Aggressor IV. Locale was the


Cayman Islands.


Bone Award. No nominations. Good Buddy Award.No nominations.


There being no further business, Jim adjourned the meeting at 9:02 PST.


Faithfully submitted:


Arnie Warshawsky, Secretary