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Undercurrent request for diving mistake stories

Oliver Edwards | Published on 7/30/2024

From Undercurrent email dated July 17, 2024

Don't Hide Your Mistakes. 
Too often, we think making mistakes is a sign of weakness, so we prefer to keep them quiet. This month in Undercurrent, Senior Editor John Bantin admits to making quite a few while diving. In fact, he has made a career out of publicizing his diving errors because he believes others can learn from them. So, despite his critics presuming he was an idiot who should not be diving, he continued to tell all. We must share our mistakes to instruct others. Don't be ashamed to reveal yours. You will help to save the lives of others. Let us know the mistakes you've gotten away with while diving. Write to, including your town and state. If you wish to remain anonymous, let us know.