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February club dive report 2022

Dennis Hocker | Published on 3/2/2022

Aqua Tutus Club Dive for February 2022

The February club dive was on February 12th at San Carlos Beach Monterey to go out to the Metridium Field. Arrived at San Carlos Beach about 7:45 and to my surprise I was able to park in the lower lot. There were several open spaces.The weather was clear and sunny with no breeze. Took a stroll down to look at the water; it looked wet with virtually no waves and the visibility looked to be fairly good.
David Chervin showed up about 8:30. David, Patti and I where the only Tooters to attend. After waiting for awhile to see if anyone would show up David and I proceeded to get ready to go diving. After getting ourselves geared up we walked to the water and finished getting ready, entering the water at 9:51. After a short surface swim we submerged at 9:58 and headed NW for the pipeline. The visibility was about 25 feet. As we continued down the pipeline the visibility dropped to about 15 – 18 feet. Upon reaching the end we took a 10 o’clock heading for the Metridium Field. The Metridiums were out in their full glory to great us. We swam over and around the Metridium field finding many crabs, nudibranchs, a Cabazon and other life. After about 20 minutes we headed back to the pipeline. On our way in we checked out the rocks that are to the left as there is always something to see on them. Upon reaching about 20 feet of water we headed SE checking out the reefs that lay out from the beach and working our way towards the exit point. After an hour and 3 minutes and in 8 feet of water I surfaced to find myself just out from where I wanted to exit, so I swam in and exited at 10:10.

After a surface interval David geared up and went diving to explore the reefs that lay off the beach.