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Minutes: March Membership Meeting

Arnold S Warshawsky | Published on 3/16/2022


Aqua Tutus Diving Club Meeting

March 3, 2022


Meeting called to order by President Neil Benjamin at 7:23pm PST (started late due to technical issues with setting up Zoom).


Attending:  This is a hybrid meeting with face-to-face attendees at Roundtable Pizza in Castro Valley and Zoom participants. A total of 22 people attended; 8 in person and 14 via Zoom. Dennis, who usually attends in person, apologized, noting that while driving to Roundtable, a radiator hose broke forcing him to nurse the car back  home.


Entertainment: “How to identify central California invertebrates”

Dr Amanda Kahn is an Associate Professor at San Jose State University - Moss Landing Marine Labboratory (MLML). She's also an Aqua Tutus alumnus. While her research focuses on sponges and other filter feeders, Amanda's training spans the range of invertebrates: their form, function, and evolution. She teaches marine science classes underwater to help graduate students in the MLML Scientific Diving program learn to recognize species and understand ways to study them in their natural habitats.


Business Meeting:

  • Old Business:
  • Minutes of the January 2022 Membership Meeting, as published in the Club Express (CE) version of the Aqua Tooter, were approved.
  • Director Reports:
    • Neil (for Entertainment). In April,we will host (via Zoom) videographer extraordinaire Marcelo Ogata aka “Bug Dreamer”. The following month, Mike Mike Boom, will present video from the Red Sea and Egypt. Neil reiterated to the club that we need a member to step up to coordinating entertainment.
    • Oliver  (for Newsletter). Oliver produced a newsletter; it is available via the Club Express (CE) website. It is styled in the fashion as DAN newsletters; that is, a collection of links by article. Contact Oliver if you have any questions.
    • Helga (Treasurer) reported the club has $2,778.21 in the Training Fund, $4,866 in the General Fund, for a total of $7,644.21.
    • Debbie (Membership). Debbie reported that 2022 paid membership (in CE) are: 8 Life members, 5 Associate members, 0 Student members, and 26 Regular members. Debbie reported that about a dozen members (not reflected in these totals) have renewed outside of CE. She will work with Helga to get them established in the CE roster. We welcomed long-time club members to the in-person meeting: Fred Wade and Lifetime member Steve Campi. Debbie also asked a Zoom visitor, Ulrike, to introduce herself.
    • Dennis (Training). No training is currently scheduled. Dennis once more invited members who are interested in any scuba training to contact him.
    • Oliver reported that the club has discontinued its membership in Meetup, which was anticipated as we fully integrate to the CE software. Members should look at the website Event Calendar for information on scheduled dives and other activities. Oliver pointed out that it would be extremely helpful if a club member took on the responsibility for coordinating the Event Calendar.
  • New Business:
    • David and Jono reported on their research into club WiFi needs. After reviewing club needs and available hardware and subscription services, they recommend the club purchase a My-Fi package. Debbie moved that the club authorize expenditure of up to $600 with associated annual renewal up to $400. Kat seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. We thanked Dave and Jono for all their work on this.


  • Dive Reports
    • Oliver discussed diving on January 28 from San Carlos beach using a Diver Propulsion
    • Dave reported on the February club dive from San Carlos Beach to the Metridian Field. He mentioned that he had to return early since he was running low on air. Dennis reported that he had to help Dave find the correct pipe to follow to get to the metridian.
    • Oliver reported on diving at North Monastery on Saturday (February 26). He said there was 35-40 foot visibility and that the water was cold. On the second dive Beau used a DPV; it worked well even with one DPV and two divers.
    • Derek reported great visibility diving at __________ (50+ feet visibility).
  • Bone Award: There were two nominations for the Bone award. Dennis for not noting that Dave was low on air. Dave for choosing the wrong pipe to follow. After discussion, the vote was 11 for Dennis and 9 for Dave.
  • Good Buddy Award: Dennis also received the Good Buddy award for guiding Dave back to the right pipe.


  • Upcoming Dives/Activities:
    • March 12, Club dive at Otter Cove; Dave is POC for the dive.
    • March 17, ATDC Board of Directors meeting (via Zoom). Neil will be away.
    • April 7, ATDC general membership meeting (at Roundtable in Castro Valley)
    • April 16, a San Carlos to Macabee and back snorkel dive. Jim Driggers is POC for the dive. Meet at San Carlos at 9:00 am. Debbie suggested it is advisable to get there early to find parking.
    • June 11-25, 2022 — Bonaire trip. Contact Dennis if you are interested.
    • July 18-28, 2022 — Indonesia trip. Contact Dennis for further information.


  • There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:56 pm PDT.



Faithfully submitted:


Arnie Warshawsky, Secretary