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Minutes: June Membership Meeting

Arnold S Warshawsky | Published on 6/12/2022


Aqua Tutus Diving Club Meeting

June 2, 2022


Meeting called to order (remotely) by President Neil Benjamin at 7:25pm PDT. This is a hybrid meeting with ten face-to-face attendees at Roundtable Pizza in Castro Valley and seven others attending via Zoom.



Members night is an opportunity for club members to share some recent dive images.Tonight we saw images from Neil (Cozumel), Arnie (2022 diving on O’ahu), Dr. Rik (Florida from Key Largo to Key West), and Dan (freediving at the Sea of Cortez last September).


  • Director Reports:
    • Arnie (Secretary): Minutes of the May 2022 Membership Meeting, as published in the Club Express (CE) version of the Aqua Tooter, were approved. Minutes of the May Board of Directors meeting have been posted onto the member site; see Officer Reports.
    • Helga (Treasurer) reported that at the end of May, the club has $2,778.21 in the Training Fund, $4,954.14 in the General Fund, for a total of $7,732.35.
    • Neil (for Entertainment): Next month our speaker is Andrew Middleton speaking on underwater cartography plus mapping our dive sites. Carol Rose will speak on August 4 about CenCal. At the September meeting, Jim Larson will speak on NAUI (past, present, and future) and a bit about diving in the Pacific Northwest.
    • Debbie (Membership). Reported we have: 8 Life members, 10 Associate members, 1 Student members, and 56 Regular members, for a total club membership of 75.
    • Dennis (Training). No training is currently scheduled. He is planning for an August meeting with club instructors. Dennis thinks interest in training will pick up as we move into the warmer months.
    • Oliver (for Newsletter). Available on CE.
    • Derek (Communications): Derek reported that the CE software is pretty much working. Oliver has been staying on top of fixing glitches as we encounter them.


  • New Business:
    • Elections were held for Board Members-At-Large (MAL): Nominees are:David Chervin (a current MAL), Derek Suring (the current webmaster), Ajna Cackovic, and Alan Stanek.David, Derek, and Alan were elected as Board Members-at-Large. Term of office is July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023.
    • Dennis suggested club members carry ATDC business cards that can be handed out to divers you encounter during local dives. The cards carry enough contact information so that a person looking for a group to dive with or for a dive club to join get information about us.


  • Dive Reports
    • Helga M. noted that no one RSVP’d for the May 26 Coral Street dive, so it became an no host dive opportunity. Visibility below 20-ft depth was 30 feet.
    • David C. reported on a Reef Check recertification dive held at South Monastery on May 28. He reported a lot of healthy looking kelp (Giant Kelp, Bull Kelp, etc).
    • Gary H. reported on a recent dive at Otter Cove; he cited good visibility conditions (20-30 feet).


  • Bone Award: None this month.


  • Upcoming Activities
    • June 4, Mike B. is POC for a dive at Breakwater.
    • June 11-25, Bonaire trip.
    • July 18-28, Indonesia trip on a liveaboard at Komodo Island. Currently there are five vacancies (a great opportunity for a bargain while helping out fellow members who can no longer attend). There is an additional five days of diving (optional) available at the Liberty Dive Resort. Contact Dennis for further information.
    • Dec-Jan, annual drop-in dive trip to Cozumel. Contact Patti S-H.


  • There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm PDT.



Faithfully submitted:


Arnie Warshawsky, Secretary