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Director of training has get-together to discuss dive equipment

Dennis Hocker | Published on 7/11/2022

Last summer / Fall we had some get togethers at my home to talk about diving. I would like to pick up
where we left off with a get together on August 13 at 2 PM. For this session Dive equipment is the topic.

I will put out equipment from 1950 through current day. 

During the session we will look at and discuss the development of dive equipment, basic equipment for the newer diver, what one might be interested in as their diving advances, care and maintenance of one’s equipment as well as what problems one might have with their equipment.

Looking ahead to September I would like to have another get together on September 17 and am looking
for a topic to cover. Please let me know if you have something (diving related) that you would like to
know more about.

Dennis Hocker
Director of Training Aqua Tutus

Members can find Dennis' address and contact information on at resources, membership directory.