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June club dive report 2022

Oliver Edwards | Published on 7/12/2022

Mike Barrett (POC) and Oliver Edwards dove at Breakwater June 4'th for the June club dive. Unfortunately, no other members attended. The conditions were fairly calm with about 15 feet of visibility and cold (for monterey bay) water. I believe we saw a low of 51 degrees out near the Metridia fields. (i'm writing this a month after the dive so please excuse any mistakes in my descriptions.) 

First dive we descended and kicked along the breakwater, apparently well out beyond the end. We noticed the rock wall to our right flattening out into a pile of stones, then a large flattened sand area, and finally some isolated boulders. The maximum depth was 40-50 feet. Interestingly enough the sea lions didn't come out to play.

Second dive we went tandem on Oliver's DPV. Oliver drove and Mike was pulled by a looped belt attached to Oliver's harness "butt ring". Our plan was to follow the middle reef out to the pipe, follow that to the metridia fields, then cut back to the breakwater. Somehow we missed the pipe underwater, eventually surfacing for a look-see half way to McAbee! We easily found the pipe on the way back and motored out to the metridium fields. Both of us noticed the water was colder there. The limited visibility made it difficult to jump between rocks (maybe we visited 6-12) so we set a course back towards the breakwater, eventually stopping just short of it. 

All-in-all it was a good day of diving, although we were both disappointed at the turnout.