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September 2022 Membership Meeting Minutes

Arnold S Warshawsky | Published on 9/9/2022


Aqua Tutus Diving Club Meeting

September 1, 2022


Meeting called to order by Vice President Oliver Edwards at 7:05pm PDT. This is a hybrid meeting with 6 face-to-face attendees at Roundtable Pizza in Castro Valley and 12 others attending via Zoom.



Tonight’s presenter is Jim Larson. A dive instructor and former dive shop owner, he is now the Northwest Regional Manager for NAUI. Jim spoke on NAUI past, present, and future.


  • Director Reports:
    • Arnie (Secretary): Minutes of the August 2022 Membership Meeting, as published on Club Express (CE), were approved. Minutes of the August 18, 2022, Board of Directors meeting were also posted on CE.
    • Helga (Treasurer) reported that at the end of August, the club has $2,778.21 in the Training Fund, $4,886.63 in the General Fund, for a total of $7,664.84.
    • Dennis (Training). On August 13 (2:00-5:00 pm) he hosted a training session at his home. The topic was Dive Equipment. Dennis is planning another session on September 17; the topic has not yet been selected, though equipment maintenance was suggested.
    • Debbie (Membership) reported that we have: 8 Life members, 10 Associate members, and 63 Regular members, for a total club membership of 81.
    • Oliver (for Entertainment): In October, our presenter will be our own Larry Muth who will show some recent dive videos he took.
    • Oliver (for Newsletter) reported that the August newsletter will be published in a day or so, he is waiting for two more articles from the officers.
    • Derek (Communications): No report.


  • Old Business: None


  • New Business: None.


  • Bone Award: No nominations this month.


  • Upcoming Activities
    • September 3:  Drop-in dive at San Carlos Beach; POC Ferdinand Siotecco.
    • September 10:  Club dive scheduled for San Carlos Beach (Breakwater). Oliver is the POC. Meet time is 8:30am in the parking lot. See the club calendar for more details.
    • September 15: Board of Directors meeting (via Zoom). All members are invited.
    • October 6: General membership meeting. Larry Muth will present some recent dive videos he has taken. This night we will also hold nominations for 2023 officers. Incumbents who agreed to another term (if elected) are: Arnie (secretary), Dennis (training),  Debbie (membership), and Helga (treasurer).
    • October 16: Club dive at South Monastery. David Chervin is the POC.
    • October 20: Board of Directors meeting (via Zoom). All members are invited.
    • November 3: General membership meeting. This is members’ night, where members will show dive images. David Chervin is the POC. Be sure to let David know if you would like to present. Also at this meeting we will conduct annual officer elections.
    • November 12: Club dive at Point Lobos. Derek Suring is the POC. Note: All divers must have a valid Point Lobos Park reservation prior to the dive date.
    • Dec-Jan, annual drop-in dive trip to Cozumel is coming up. Dennis and Patti will be there from December 17 through January 5. People interested in joining should (1) arrange their own hotel accommodations and let Patti know. It is not yet clear who will be the dive providers this year. Probably a combination of outfits. Contact Dennis for more information.


  • There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at   8:30pm PDT.



Faithfully submitted:


Arnie Warshawsky, Secretary