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11-12-22 Point Lobos Club Dive

Derek Suring | Published on 11/14/2022

Truly spectacular day at Lobos. Water temp 57 degrees, a little chilly in the morning but partial to full sun eventually in the afternoon.

Whaler's Cove was flat and we had our pick of dive options. Largest group did a foray to the point on our first dive. Max depth 80" and 30'+ vis. Good kelp at the point with large schools of blue rockfish. Walls of strawberry anemone always impress. 

Second dive was a surface swim to the wall. Mike did an amazing job of navigating us through the canyons and back across Coal Chute to the cave, then through Middle Reef towards home. Middle Reef IMO looked devastated by urchins since I was last there a year ago, but we still spotted a few Sheepshead about.

Jim & Dan did a second, shallower dive in which they more or less managed to circumnavigate the entirety of Whalers Cove. Pictures from this dive hopefully forthcoming.

Club Dive Photos