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November 2022 Membership Meeting Minutes

Arnold S Warshawsky | Published on 11/15/2022


Aqua Tutus Diving Club Meeting

November 3, 2022


Meeting called to order by President Neil Benjamin at 7:10pm PDT. This is a hybrid meeting with 17 face-to-face attendees at Roundtable Pizza in Castro Valley and 10 others attending via Zoom.



Members Night. Presenters are Neil (Bonaire), Arnie (‘Oahu), Oliver (Maldives topside), Erik H. (Bonaire), Dennis (indonesia and Sea of Cortez).


  • Director Reports:
    • Arnie (Secretary): Minutes of the October 2022 Membership Meeting, as published on Club Express (CE), were approved. Minutes of the October 20, 2022, Board of Directors meeting were also posted on CE.
    • Helga (Treasurer) reported that at the end of October, the club has $2,778.21 in the Training Fund, $4,758.93 in the General Fund, for a total of $7,537.14. She reported that she paid the WiFi bill for September and October.
    • Dennis (Training). Still looking for input on topics for training. He is thinking about staging an Advanced Open Water class in the March/April timeframe. He added that navigation and buoyancy skills can always be practiced on club dives.
    • Debbie (Membership) reported that we have: 8 Life members, 10 Associate members, and 64 Regular members, for a total club membership of 82.
    • Oliver (for Entertainment): No meeting in December.
    • Oliver (for Newsletter) reported that the October newsletter has been published.
    • Derek (Communications): No report.


  • Old Business: None


  • New Business:
    • Elections: Neil opened this topic by inviting additional nominations from the assembled members. Dennis moved to nominate the slate of officers presented by the Board. Helga seconded the motion. There being no further nominations, the membership elected the slate unanimously. New officers for 2023 are: Jim Driggers, President; Oliver Edwards, Vice President; Arnie Warshawsky, Secretary; Helga Mahlmann, Treasurer; Debbie Driggers, Membership; Training, Dennis Hocker.


    • Bone Award: being the only diver nominated this month, the coveted award was won by Oliver; Neil accepted the award on his behalf.


  • Upcoming Activities
    • Nov 17: Board of Directors meeting.
    • Reminder that there is no club meeting in December.
    • Dec 10:  Annual Holiday Gathering (no host event) at La Cabana in Fremont. Members interested in attending should send an RSVP to Dennis no later than the week prior.
    • Jan 5: General membership meeting.
    • Jan 19: Board of Directors meeting (via Zoom).
  • Scheduled Dives:
    • Nov 12: Club dive at Point Lobos. Derek Suring is the POC. Note: All divers must have a valid Point Lobos Park reservation prior to the dive date.
    • Nov 18: Ad hoc dive on the Sea Hopper. Alan S. is POC and reports that there are three seats still available.
    • Dec 11: Club dive at MacAbee; Alan S. is the POC.
    • Dec-Jan, annual drop-in dive trip to Cozumel is coming up. Dennis and Patti will be there from December 17 through January 5. Dennis noted that at this point it only Oliver and Arnie have “signed up” to attend. People interested in joining should (1) arrange their own hotel accommodations and let Patti know. We will be diving with ‘scubajuan’ they now occupy the site on Hotel Barracuda formerly held by Paradise Divers. Contact Dennis for more information.
    • July 23 - August 5: Truk Odyssey at Chuuk Lagoon. Dennis observed that these world-class wrecks are succumbing to the ravages of being underwater for nearly 80 years. This will likely be the last time Dennis coordinates a trip to Chuuk. Five divers have “signed up” and five more expressed interest. We can take a maximum of 14 people.
  • Past Dive Reports:
    • In July, Alan S. dove the Channel Islands. He reported seeing a very large sea bass that looked like a mermaid.
    • Oliver noted that no one else showed up for the Oct 22 ad hoc dive, so he took his DPV and started looking for the barge. On his second dive he went to the Metridium field. He reported focusing on compass navigation with a DPV. This is more challenging that one might imagine. We talked about the idea of laying a line from the barge back to the Breakwater, perhaps to the anchor, for others to use as a navigation aid.
    • Dave C. spoke about the club dive to South Monastery.
    • Arnie apologized for observing that he goes diving at various locations on ‘Oahu weekly.


  • There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:47pm PDT.



Faithfully submitted:


Arnie Warshawsky, Secretary