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January 2023 BOD Meeting Minutes

Oliver Edwards | Published on 2/2/2023


Aqua Tutus Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting

January  19, 2023


The meeting (via Zoom) was called to order by Vice President Oliver Edwards at 7:02 pm PS T. Board members attending:  Oliver, Jim, Dennis, Arnie, Debbie, David, Derek, Neil, and Helga. Visitors attending: Patti S-H.


BOD Reports:

Secretary—Arnie. Minutes to the November 2022 BOD meeting, as posted on the website,  were approved. Minutes of the January 2023 membership meeting, taken by Debbie in Arnie’s absence, were posted to the website. The November 2022 membership meeting minutes were approved at the January 2023 membership meeting. Oliver notes that he updated the BOD email list.



Classes:  $2,778.21

General:  $5,498.27      

Total:       $8,276.48



People have begun renewing their memberships.



Dennis reported that he needs to have a meeting with club instructors about setting up an Advanced Open Water class; possibly in April in Monterey. Interest in taking AOW if offered has been expressed. Oliver requested Dennis write an article about the AOW class for the Tooter.



  • Guest speaker, Aundi Mevoli of Baykeeper, updated us on the latest findings from the recent massive algae bloom (aka Red Tide) in the SF Bay. While research into how the algae Heterosigma Akashiwo interacts with our Bay is still underway, many interesting data points came up during the talk.
  • Oliver noted that an up to date list of projected entertainment through July 2023 is on Google Docs:



    Derek reports that everything seems to be working as we desire.



    Oliver requested that submissions to the newsletter be made by January 29 so that the Newsletter can be available to membership in February. Arnie recommends we try to more closely emulate DAN’s newsletter. Derek will develop a template for this.


    Old Business:

  • Zoom. David reports that everything seems to be working. The problem at the January members meeting was due to a corrupted JPEG files. He raised the issue of purchasing a small camera and tripod to use during meetings. The Board approved the expenditure.
  • Check signature update. Helga reports this matter has been handled.


    New Business:

  • David noted that our domain name is up for renewal; he recommends we renew.


Upcoming Club Dives

January 25           Jim  will be the POC. Details forthcoming.

Ad Hoc dives       See club website for up to date information.

February 18-19  North coast dive.

February 25       Lovers or Breakwater.

March                  Stillwater Cove; Jim POC.

July 22-Aug 5     Chuuk trip; there are still openings see Dennis. A $3,000 deposit will hold your place.



Upcoming Events

February 2        Membership meeting. Jim may be unable to attend due to work commitments. In that                                                case, Oliver will lead the meeting over Zoom.

February 16     BOD meeting. Oliver will be out; Jim will chair the meeting.


Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm PST.


Faithfully submitted:


Arnie Warshawsky
