January 20023 general meeting minutes
Called to order by Neil Benjamin at 7:06pm
Past minutes approved as written
Entertainment – Derek will do a write up
Officer reports:
Secretary (Arnie—Debbie taking minutes in Arnie’s absence; he is diving in Cozumel. November minutes approved as posted on club website.
Membership (Debbie)—It’s time to renew.
Treasurer (Helga)—Lots of renewals are coming in. $2,778.21 in the class fund and $5,226.89 in the general fund.
Training (Dennis)—No report (Dennis is diving in Cozumel).
Entertainment (Oliver)—No report {Oliver is diving in Cozumel). Planned speakers listed in Google Docs (see: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZpacnHLmFV-_rMz-xrq0k0oqTukICXeh/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=114855952368220424453&rtpof=true&sd=true).
Newsletter (Oliver)—No report (Oliver diving in Cozumel).
Communications (Derek) – The Ad-hoc forum is working well, please let Derek know if you encounter problems. Please use the RSVP function to confirm yourself for club dives, this allows the POC to contact everyone should there be a change to the plan of the day.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
Dive reports:
Neil – Diving in Belize. Super friendly nurse sharks, like puppy dogs following divers, few lionfish.
Aaron – Conducted a dry suit class at Wharf II.
Derek – Dove from the Beachhoppe. Had a good day of diving with only three divers on the boat.
Dan – Kayak diving at Van Damme. Found a pinnacle with 25’ vis and low swells. Anchored at 15’ but dove to 60’ to find an underwater memorial. Little kelp but outside of the cove with lots of scallops and anemones. Water temperature was 52℉.
Larry M.– Diving in Dumaguete, Philippines. Trip was a test to see if he could still dive at 90 years; he can but will only be diving in warm water in the future. Water was 84℉.
Jim – Whale shark snorkeling in Philippines! Praise for Atlantis, top quality operation, very easy diving. Talked about Debbie’s issues with a very slow leak on the power inflator causing buoyancy issues.
Elaine – Divinig in the Philippines: Anilao and Puerto Galera. She did a blackwater dive and enjoyed all the small, strange creatures
Bone Award: Larry M for loosening the lower cover to the pressure release value of his BCD (to keep it from inflating in flight) then losing the cover and making a couple dives without it before realizing it was missing.