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February 2023 Meeting Minutes

Arnold S Warshawsky | Published on 2/12/2023


Aqua Tutus Diving Club Meeting

February 2, 2023


Meeting called to order by President Jim Driggers at 7:08pm PST. This is a hybrid meeting with 17 face-to-face attendees at Roundtable Pizza in Castro Valley and eight others attending via Zoom.



Our own Dennis Hocker presented a well thought out presentation on normal SCUBA equipment maintenance.


  • Director Reports:
    • Arnie (Secretary): Minutes of the January 5, 2023, Membership Meeting, as recorded by Debbie Driggers and published on Club Express (CE), were approved. Minutes of the January  19, 2023, Board of Directors meeting were also posted on CE.
    • Helga (Treasurer) reported that the club has $2,778.21 in the Training Fund, $5,498.27 in the General Fund, for a total of $8,276.48. Helga reported that renewals are coming in.
    • Dennis (Training). As an adjunct to competency training, Dennis encouraged all club members to actively dive. He noted that the club is being proactive in identifying seasoned club members who would be happy to dive with new divers. Finally, he announced that he is planning on conducting Advanced Open Water diver training in April.
    • Debbie (Membership) reported that we have: 8 Life members, 4 Associate members, and 44 Regular members, for a total club membership of 56 at this point in our annual renewal cycle.
    • Oliver (for Entertainment): Oliver noted that an updated entertainment schedule can be found on Google Docs at: an up to date list of projected entertainment through July 2023 is on Google Docs:  The next Members Night will be in May, Dave C. will coordinate the evening. We have entertainment scheduled through July. The July entertainment will be provided by Oliver E. on diving in Bonaire. He asks any members who have photos or reminiscences of their dive trips to Bonaire get in touch with him.
    • Oliver (for Newsletter) reported that the October newsletter has been published. Jim observed that videos and still  photos can be added to the newsletter. Derek has created a template to do just that and also provide a more attractive newsletter.
    • Derek (Communications):
    • Oliver (for website) reported that everything seems to be working as expected. Please let him know if you encounter any problems.


  • Old Business: None


  • New Business:
    • Oliver reported that Any Water Dive Center is discounting the Aqualung Blizzard dry suit. The price has been reduced by $500 to $940.
    • Steve Campi noted that he has some lovingly used dive equipment available for interested club members. Much better than sending them to the dumpster. On this point Jim broached the idea of a club gear meet. In the past this had become a festive occasion in Dennis’ backyard. Let Jim know if there is any interest in doing a swap meet this year.
    • On the topic of filling dumpsters, Jim D. observed that he has piles of recent California Diving News newspaper available (in the back of the meeting room).
    • Bone and Good Buddy Awards: Due to the lack of good weather for diving in January, there were no nominations for either award.


  • Past dives
    • Matt W. reported he went to Monterey planning on a solo dive, but experienced equipment problems with his regulators.
    • Oliver planned a solo dive on Jan 21 at McAbee Beach. The marine forecast was for calm seas but it was not so. Oliver observed that one cannot safely dive there at high tide with rough seas, so he got out and went to the Breakwater to dive instead.
    • Larry M. reported a few dives on a recent dive trip without the BCD cover. An unexpected goof of not restoring gear after things removed to facilitate traveling.
    • Dennis, building on the gear maintenance theme, described his dive several years ago in Hawaii, where he solved a leaking BCD problem (near the shoulder) by removing the offending BCD, flipping it upside down, and completing the dive that way.


  • Upcoming Activities
    • Feb 16: Board of Directors meeting.
    • Mar 2: Membership meeting.


  • Scheduled Dives:
    • Feb 25: Club dive. Jim D. is POC. Dive will be at Breakwater.’s pipeline. Check the website for the latest information.
    • March: Club dive tbd. Derek will be POC. Most likely at Stillwater Cove.
    • July 22 - August 5: Truk Odyssey at Chuuk Lagoon. Dennis observed that these world-class wrecks are succumbing to the ravages of being underwater for nearly 80 years. This will likely be the last time Dennis coordinates a trip to Chuuk. Five divers have “signed up” and five more expressed interest. We can take a maximum of 14 people.


  • There being no further business, Jim adjourned the meeting at 8:32pm PST.



Faithfully submitted:


Arnie Warshawsky, Secretary