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February 2023 BOD Meeting Minutes

Arnie Warshawsky | Published on 3/5/2023


Aqua Tutus Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting 

February 16, 2023 

The Board of Directors meeting (via Zoom) was called to order by President Jim Driggers at 7:17 pm PST.  Board members attending: Jim, Arnie, Debbie, David, Neil, and Helga. No visitors attending. 

BOD Reports: 

Secretary—Arnie. Minutes to the January 2022 BOD meeting, as posted on the website, were  approved. Minutes of the February 2023 membership meeting were posted to the website. 

Treasurer—Helga. She notes that club finances are approximately $1,000 greater than this point last  year. 

Classes: $2,778.21 

General: $5,498.27  

Total: $8,276.48 


People are renewing their memberships. There are currently 52 regular members, 8 life  members, and 4 associate members. 

Training—No report since Dennis is in Cozumel. Neil indicated that the plans for an Advanced  Open Water class continue on track (as Dennis described previously). 


• David reported that there will be a follow-up presentation on the Tankers Reef project at the  March membership meeting. 

• Projected entertainment through July 2023 is on Google Docs: spreadsheets/d/1ZpacnHLmFV-_rMz-xrq0k0oqTukICXeh/edit? 


Communication No report. 


• Arnie noted that the new format for the Newsletter (kudos to Oliver and Derek) is much more  attractive. One minor glitch is that once you click on the link to go to an article the return link  from the article is not working properly. 

• Jim led a discussion about timeliness of Newsletter publication. It all hinges on getting the  input in sufficient lead time. It was noted that Alan typically asked for articles to be provided  to him by the 20th of each month. Jim will speak with Oliver to get his perspective and  possibly propose a solution. 

Old Business:  

Zoom. David reports that Jim and Dennis plan to bring a tripod to the next general meeting  (for the new camera). David believes that the most recent problem was due to the club laptop  not being correctly inserted into the docking station. He said we probably do not need to  replace the club laptop computer at this time.

New Business: None raised. 

Upcoming Club Dives and Events

February 25 Breakwater; Jim is the POC. Meet at 9:00am. 

March 2 General Membership Meeting (hybrid in-person/Zoom) March 11 Stillwater Cove; Derek is the POC. Meet at 8:00am 

March 16 Board of Directors Meeting (via Zoom) 

March 29 CENCAL Board Meeting 

April 6 General Membership Meeting (hybrid in-person/Zoom) April 15 Possibly at McAbee. POC will be solicited from club membership at the  March meeting.  

April 20 Board of Directors Meeting (via Zoom)  

May Club dive may be coordinated with the AOW class dives. Details tba.  July 22-Aug 5 Chuuk trip; there are still openings see Dennis. A $3,000 deposit will hold  your place. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm PST. 

Faithfully submitted: 

Arnie Warshawsky 
