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April club dive was well attended

Oliver Edwards | Published on 5/2/2023

The April Aqua Tutus Club dive was held on the 15th at Lovers Point in Pacific Grove. The weather was good, and the ocean was calm. Aqua Tutus members attending were: Christina Clemens, Jim & Debbie Driggers, Gian Garriga, Michael Nadolny, Patti Shannon-Hocker, David Sheh, Alan Stanek, Daniel Wilcox and myself.­­ 

After walking out to Lovers Point and looking at the 3 areas to dive, the group returned to the parking area where dive plans were discussed. Buddy or dive teams were formalized with a dive plan for each team. Jim Driggers and Daniel Wilcox buddied up to work on Dan’s navigation with the plan to enter at Lovers 3, swim out a ways, then turn right to circumnavigate Lover’s Point and exit at Lovers 2. All 7 divers entered at Lovers 3. After about 50 minutes underwater 3 divers surfaced on the Lovers 2 side of Lovers Point and about 2/3 of the way to Lovers 2. Soon Jim and Dan surfaced inside the Point but less than half way to Lovers 2. All 5 divers proceeded with a surface swim to Lovers 2 for exit. After exiting, walking back to the parking area and removing gear Jim and Dan discussed the navigation of the dive.

After a surface interval 6 of the divers did a second dive from Lovers 3.

Following diving, 6 of us went to Gianni’s for food, beverages and social.

Dennis Hocker - Dive Point of Contact