April 6, 2023 general meeting
called to order 7:05pm 17 people present at RT Castro Valley
past meeting minutes approved as written
Entertainment was Dennis presenting Monterey Dive sites
Officer Reports
Treasurer: $2778.21, class account and $5455.08 general account for a total of $8233.29
Training: What do people want to see for upcoming training? Dennis might host some training days at his home. There is talk of a rescue class after AOW later this year
Membership: 58 regular, 8 life, 4 associate for a total of 70 members
Newsletter: out today or tomorrow
Entertainment: Please email Oliver with presenter suggestions
Communication: not present
Old business: None
New business: None
Upcoming events:
April 15 Lovers Cove - POC Dennis
May general meeting - members night
June general meeting - experience to dive by
Dive reports
Gary, Dave and Bill dove South Monastery 20'vis and a cold 47degrees some kelp but mostly an urchin barren
Bone nomination: Dave for being very underweighted and having to exit the water to add 6 pounds
Good Buddy nomination: Dave for helping Gary with fins
Meeting adjourned 8:05pm