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CDFW call for nominations to develop kelp restoration plan

Oliver Edwards | Published on 6/6/2023

Ca ocean protection council and Ca dept fish and wildlife are soliciting volunteers to for a working group to assist in the development of a kelp restoration plan. Nominations are due in three days! Marc Shargel forwarded us this information. If you’re interested in this topic, take a look, consider self nominating, or forwarding this information. 

Marc’s email follows. 

The nomination solicitation is Here

Dear Dive Buddies,

Its been a long time since I’ve been in touch with some of you; I hope this note finds you well. Most of you receive my periodic newsletter by email, so you know I’ve been concerned about the disappearance of our kelp forests for several years now. Four years ago I (and others) began telling the Fish & Game Commission that we needed to take action to preserve the remaining biodiversity. Until very recently the state’s protectors and regulators of natural resources have been content to stand by, while restricting the active work of energetic volunteer divers to two tiny patches in Monterey and Caspar (Mendocino Co.). 

I hope you are aware that the Ocean Protection Council and DFW are now collaborating to assemble a "Kelp Restoration and Management Plan Working Group.” I don’t think we’ll know until it’s underway if this is going to be a force for actual progress, or just a way for the state to mollify alarmed, action-oriented people like me (and you). I’m going to gamble my time and energy on the hope that we’ll be able to accomplish something: I’ll be submitting my own self-nomination within the next 24 hours. I hope you’ll consider doing the same. I regret I’m sending you this encouragement with just three days remaining before the nomination deadline. If it will help you write your own nomination, I’ll be happy to share mine with you. Just email back and ask for it. 

Marc Shargel