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Members Night June 6 - show your photos and videos

Oliver Edwards | Published on 4/1/2024

Aqua Tutus’ June entertainment will be our bi-annual Members Night. Members night is where club members show their water theme related photos or videos. Generally, each member is given up to 10 minutes of time to show images / video and answer questions. Shorter is fine; longer by negotiation with Dave Chervin.

We're encouraging all members to participate - you don't have to be an expert, have the "best" looking images, or have dove the most "amazing" far-away locations. UW snaps or video clips from your GoPro on Monterey dives are fine. So are top-side pictures from our club dives. Share what you have.

We're adding a new, simpler format this time. This is to submit a few images or short video clips to the "group bucket" then just sit back and watch. Dave will show images / videos from the entire club - no talking / story from the member is required - then you can participate in a Q&A Dave conducts after all the bucket is shown. Alternatively, you can do the 
usual "show" where you provide a set of images or video, often telling a story, and you narrate or talk to them.

Dave Chervin is organizing the event. He strongly encourages zoom presenters to send him their material ahead of time. People at round table can give him the material on a USB (flash) drive at the meeting, although sending it ahead of time can avoid last minute problems. Dave plans to show the material from his zoom host laptop, providing a better quality experience for both the in-room and remote (zoom) viewers. 

Here is the dropbox link to send Dave photos

Contact Dave for details; his email is on the General Membership Meeting - 5/2/2024