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McAbee -> Breakwater 11/11/23

Derek Suring | Published on 12/1/2023

While we hoped for McAbee's sheltered position to protect us from the surge, we quickly realized it would be undivable as we watched waves pound against the wall of the hotel.

We quickly decamped to find parking locations at Breakwater where the entry was sporty, but at least possible. We had 10 divers in attendance and broke off into groups. Parking lot and activity was busy with classes, great day for rescue training.

Derek brought a guest along, Doran, who hasn't been diving anything but warm water for the last 18 years. 

Doran at Breakwater

Our first dive was along the wall. Interesting adjustment to setup while afloat: Doran's dive belt slid off and we caught it just in time, took two of us to put it back on him again. 40 minute dive along the wall with 10'+ viz. We ran across at least a half dozen Sheepshead, which is more than I've ever seen in this location. Dive ended abruptly when we realized Doran was underweighted by at least two pounds and he popped to the surface from 20' when tanks began to run down.

Second dive involved a failed attempt to locate the Pipeline and run to the Metridium Fields.  We dropped down just where I thought it should be, but found nothing but sand in either direction. After a 10 minute sortie we took a heading for Middle Reef and explored there before an exit onto San Carlos beach, whose surge seemed to have diminished with the ebbing tide.

A second team of divers comprised of Oliver, David S., and prospective ATDC member Giuseppe opted to go along the pipe for the first dive.  With less than 5 ft visibility near the shore, Oliver nonetheless successfully navigated the team to the pipe.  With the poor visibility and the pipe buried under silt, the team took a moment to fan the sand on the pipe and confirm it was the larger pipe that we were looking for.  Further out from shore visibility opened up to 15 feet.  The team turned back after finding a ling cod at the opening of the end of the pipe, for a total dive time of 40 minutes. Giuseppe liked the comradery and joined the club soon after.

For the second dive, Oliver, David S., and Giuseppe went out along the wall.  Giuseppe found a leak in his drysuit during the surface swim, and decided to turn back.  Oliver and David S. descended at the "9" marker and dove for a total of 60 minutes, with visibility of less than 10 feet, a little worse than what the first team saw in the morning.  Bottom temp was 53 degrees F.