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What is a Cencal?

Carol Rose | Published on 2/17/2024


60 Years Later


This is history of CenCal, a time frame within my own history in the Council - 1976 to present. CenCal started in 1959, so it has a long history of 'doing' for divers. The Central California Council of Diving Clubs, Inc. is better known/AKA/DBA as Cen Cal. It is a north/central California recreational diver membership organization, a tax exempt, not for profit corporation formed in 1959.


But the question is what has CenCal doing now and what has it done for me lately?


Current issues: abalone, nearshore fisheries, Marine Protected Areas, Artifical Reefs and the Marine Life Management/Protections Acts. Many hours are spent by many persons at many meetings, writing letters and making contacts, so divers are represented and heard.


Abalone is always a key issue. The Abalone Management and Recovery Plan (AMRC), in part, sets limits on ‘take,’ and the 2012 heavy die off in Sonoma County reduced the population dramatically, and important regulatory changes were made. Now California is facing a perfect storm: warm water, sea urchin explosion, star fish die off and starving abalone.


CenCal sits on the RAAC, Recreational Abalone Advisory Committee, a state panel with authority to recommend use of abalone tag moneys and to evaluate suggested changes in the State Fish & Wildlife regulations on bag limit, daily take and so forth. In proces right now is the creation of a FMP, Fishery Management Plan for red abalone. This Plan will update and mostly replace the AMRC; it will take through 2017 to finalize the Plan.


So What is Cen Cal good for?

It's good for Access - Ever Dive? Carmel River Beach? The Monterey Land Use Plan wanted to ban divers from crossing the beach except at either end. Constant and persistent Cen Cal testimony to the Coastal Commission prevented access restriction.


Ever DiveLovers Point Cove? Pacific Grove passed an ordinance preventing diving in the Cove for 5 months each year, Cen Cal initiated successful litigation preventing the closure.


Ever DiveStillwater Cove on the 17 Mile Drive? You can thank Cen Cal for collecting the usage data and being persistent before the Coastal Commission. The result was not only access but bathrooms, parking and a pier.


Ever Dive? Monastery Beach? The Monterey Land Use Plan would have closed all parking or built parking on the far side of the highway - sometime. Cen Cal kept the parking open.


Its good for information: Ever get a ticket for your inflatable boat? Some years ago the Coast Guard began ticketing - with every right - inflatable boats for many irregularities. Cen Cal has all the regulations on paper; created a brochure and sent it to all stores selling inflatables, all dive stores, all dive clubs, so boat owners now know!


Cen Cal worked for the Prop 132 Reserve Initiative banning inshore gill nets in Southern California and provided for 4 reserves. Cen Cal achieved locations for the new reserves with little impact on recreational diving.


On the Marine Resources front, its always good for abalone.

Cen Cal collected thousands of signatures opposing any commercial abalone fishery on the north coast. There is now a law against such a fishery. Cen Cal sits on the DFG Recreational Abalone Advisory Committee, and Cen Cal did not give up on action for an Abalone Stamp which now provides funds for enforcement and research for abalone.


In 1997 Cen Cal worked tirelessly to gain passage of SB463 which provided for the Abalone Stamp, closed recreational and commercial abalone harvest south of the Golden Gate Bridge (including off shore Islands) and provided for recovery of the abalone resource. The Bill passed and was signed.


For halibut - halibut was under great pressure, and Cen Cal provided expertise at meetings to change the 'experimental' fishery demolishing the population, tearing up the bottom and wasting incredible amounts of 'incidental catch.'


for lobster? Cen Cal works with the other California Councils on lobster issues to benefit divers. Lobster season now opens a little earlier just for divers.


Its good for competetive divrs: for skin divers who want competition; for underwater hockey/rugby players who want to go to world championships. Cen Cal has all this too. These activities are entirely self funded without financial support from Cen Cal dues.


Kelp issues with the Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary were settled and without detriment to the dive community, but persistence, reason and logic pays off.


Its good for education: Cen Cal has an annual college Scholarship, a $1000 grant given to a worthy California diver student each year.


Cen Cal has two web pages where members and other divers are able keep up on current issues and the upcoming calendar of dive events and activities..


If it sounds as if Cen Cal is a busy organization, it is. Keeping up with the legislature, Fish & Game, Parks & Rec, Monterey Bay Sanctuary, the Coastal Commission is a full time job, and it is all managed by volunteers. The council meets via phone conference in odd months on the last Wednesday, and all members and other divers are welcome. More help is really really needed. Can you help out? give us/me (707 343 7132) or - a call, whatever you can offer - lots of stuff can be done from home. More hands - lighter work.


And That's a Cen Cal! and What It Does for Divers...


                                                      Carol Rose, Past President