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Published On 9/29/2024
Club president's letter for September 2024
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Published On 9/23/2024
are shark attacks really unprovoked?
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Published On 8/19/2024
Club president's letter for August 2024
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Published On 7/30/2024
descriptions and links to two dive books
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Published On 7/30/2024
undercurrent requests we send in stories of diving mistakes.
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Published On 7/30/2024
giant squid is very large compared to onlookers
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Published On 7/29/2024
members show their photos and videos
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Published On 7/28/2024
President's letter for July 2024
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Published On 7/3/2024
June general meeting program was members night.
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Published On 6/23/2024
Club president's letter for June 2024
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Published On 5/26/2024
Club president's letter for May 2024.
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Published On 4/27/2024
Club president's letter for April 2024
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Published On 4/21/2024
Program change. Members Night is moved to June and in May Brandi Mueller will present Bikini Atoll: Diving and History.
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Published On 4/1/2024
aqua tutus April general meeting topic is basic videography
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Published On 4/1/2024
Oliver''s take on how they did the video fishing under ice.
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Published On 2/24/2024
Club president's letter for March 2024
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Published On 2/17/2024
Carol Rose writes an informative article explaining the purpose of Cencal and what it does for divers.
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Published On 2/17/2024
Club president's letter for February 2024.
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Published On 2/13/2024
Dive for citizen science!

Reef Check is happy to announce that kelp forest monitoring trainings in California are now open for registration at
(These trainings are for divers who meet the course prerequisites and have no prior Reef Check experience.)

The Reef Check Kelp Forest Monitoring Training course is designed to provide participants with the skills and experience to complete the Reef Check Kelp Forest Monitoring survey protocol accurately. In addition to direct survey methods, the training will address safe diving practices, techniques of research diving, sampling design and theory, general marine ecology including species identification and interactions, and the importance of monitoring to meet marine management needs.
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Published On 1/31/2024
Scuba gear offered by an ex-tooter
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Published On 1/21/2024
Club president's letter for January 2024
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Published On 1/19/2024
Monterey Bay Aquarium researchers strengthen the link between sea otters and long-term health of California kelp forests in a new study released today.
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Published On 12/2/2023
aqua tutus general meeting members night in the november general meeting displayed members images from Mexico and Egypt.
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Published On 12/1/2023
Our local water utility has demonstrated best practices for California watersheds if we want the salmon back.
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Published On 11/26/2023
Club president's letter for November 2023
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Published On 10/31/2023
an interesting article about whale animal behavior
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Published On 10/23/2023
Elizabeth Taylor, president of Deep Ocean Exploration and Research, introduces her company's creations.
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Published On 10/19/2023
Christina led Pt. Lobos dive as a newish club member, but there was plenty of "institutional" knowledge among the divers who atttended.
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Published On 9/23/2023
Club president's letter for September 2023.
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Published On 8/28/2023
Club president's letter for August 2023.
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Published On 8/24/2023
In 2018, Amanda Kahn, an invertebrate biologist at San Jose State University, joined an ocean expedition to scout the base of Davidson Seamount, an inactive underwater volcano off the coast of central California. She came for the sponges and corals.

But she and her colleagues stumbled across something much more astounding. As their remotely operated vehicle, which was probing the seafloor and streaming video back to their ship, rose from behind a rock, the crew gasped. In shimmering waters, they saw scores of upside-down octopuses nestled in rocky crevices with their arms clutched around their frames. A closer look revealed that they were protecting eggs, similar to the way that birds brood in a nest.
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Published On 8/18/2023
Marc Shargel presents Around the (Threatened) world in photos at the Aqua Tutus dive club September general meeting, September 7 at round table pizza, castro valley.
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Published On 7/29/2023
Club President's monthly letter
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Published On 7/4/2023
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service invites the public to community open houses on potential sea otter recovery efforts in Northern California and Oregon
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Published On 7/4/2023
Carol Rose provided the following explaination of the effort
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Published On 6/25/2023
Club president's monthly letter
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Published On 6/25/2023
A panel discussion with three of Aqua Tutus' most experienced divers about the club's history, diving tips, and underwater photography tips.
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Published On 6/6/2023
Ca ocean protection council along with CDFW is soliciting nominations for volunteers to develop a kelp resororation a nd management plan
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Published On 5/27/2023
Various experts and stakeholders gathered in Bodega Bay this month to discuss the potential reintroduction of southern sea otters to their former habitat on the Sonoma Coast. The conference included marine biologists, economists, tribal representatives, elected officials, and environmental advocates.
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Published On 5/27/2023
Club president's letter for May 2023
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Published On 5/2/2023
reef check transect line
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Published On 4/23/2023
Aqua Tutus Dive Club president's letter for April, 2023.
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Published On 4/6/2023
mbnms march 2023 news
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Published On 3/19/2023
Club president's letter for March 2023.
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Published On 3/7/2023
Bruce Lanham is offering free paddle boards.
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Published On 2/20/2023
Club president's February 2023 message to the membership.
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Published On 2/2/2023
Massive Algal Bloom described at January General meeting
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Published On 1/16/2023
Our new president, Jim Driggers, describes his vision for our club.
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Published On 12/9/2022
Victory Protecting Sharks in Panama at CITES-CoP19. Email from
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Published On 12/7/2022
Aqua Tutus' outgoing president provides some parting thoughts
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Published On 12/2/2022
Description of Member's night for newsletter
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Published On 11/2/2022
Aqua tutus october general meeting entertainment report
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Published On 11/2/2022
Marc Shargel has written a petition to restore reasonable Diver access to the boat ramp in Point Lobos
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Published On 11/2/2022
the october monterey bay sanctuary diver newletter is copied here.
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Published On 10/7/2022
Aqua Tutus dive club september entertainment report
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Published On 10/7/2022
cencal odyssey newsletter late summer 2022 published
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Published On 9/15/2022
A massive red tide and thousands of dead fish washing up across shorelines have cast light on a threat to the Bay that’s usually invisible: nutrient pollution.

While nutrients sound like a good thing, excessive phosphorus and nitrogen – combined with warm sunny weather and stagnant water flows – provide ideal conditions for many types of algae to bloom, like the “red tide” that recently spread throughout the Bay.

In July, Baykeeper started getting pollution hotline reports of murky, reddish-brown waters in the East Bay. Agencies confirmed that the bloom was of the algae species Heterosigma akashiwo.

As our field investigators closely monitored, the red tide quickly spread to San Francisco, the Central Bay, and the South Bay. By August, our hotline was receiving reports of unprecedented numbers of dead fish, bat rays, sharks, and other creatures washing up on the Bay’s shores.
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Published On 9/4/2022
List of Aqua Tutus Diving Club General Meeting Entertainment for remaining 2022
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Published On 8/31/2022
opportunities for citizens to do science at SF aquarium of the bay
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Published On 8/31/2022
Announcement for sharktoberfest movie night
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Published On 8/31/2022
NBMS diver newsletter august 2022
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Published On 8/31/2022
alameda dive team is having an open house
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Published On 8/31/2022
MBNMS exploration center has re-opened
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Published On 8/10/2022
Monterey bay national marine sanctuary recreation and tourism newsletter august 2022
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Published On 8/5/2022
Andrew Middleton presented a talk on underwater mapping at Aqua Tutus Diving Club's July general meeting. He offers online and printed copies of his maps.
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Published On 7/12/2022
Greetings from the president June 2022
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Published On 7/12/2022
Monterey bay nation al marine sanctuary diver newsletter june 2022
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Published On 7/11/2022
Andrew Middleton presented a talk on creating dive maps of dive sites in Monterey at the July General Membership meeting.
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Published On 7/11/2022
Fish leather is here, it’s sustainable – and it’s made from invasive species to boot
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Published On 7/11/2022
Undercurrent June 21 2022 issue
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Published On 7/11/2022
reefcheck transit june-july
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Published On 7/11/2022
Arnie Warshawsky (a.k.a. scubafox) captured some nice photos of a striking Dragon Moray Eel off Oahu.
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Published On 7/11/2022
list of upcoming entertainment
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Published On 5/11/2022
President’s monthly message
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Published On 4/1/2022
Monthly presidents message
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Published On 4/1/2022
amanda Kahn zoologist and ecologist at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories. Presented at Aqua Tutus March general membership meeting.
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Published On 3/19/2022
The mission of the IOFF is to be the global platform for ocean literacy and education throughout independent film. Since our inception in 2004, each year the IOFF features a four-day ocean engagement event for audiences from around the world.

Through the power of visual storytelling and independent films, audiences of all ages are inspired to become better ocean stewards, and help to protect our oceans. As a year-round ocean conservation organization, the IOFF is proud to present films and post-screening discussions with film directors, producers and leading industry experts throughout the year.
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Published On 3/2/2022
presidents monthly message
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Published On 3/2/2022
Amanda Kahn speaks at March meeting on invertebrate identification
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Published On 2/20/2022
Restoration efforts for kelp forests may be most effective in areas where the bedrock seafloor is highly contoured, research by Oregon State University suggests.
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Published On 2/20/2022
Marco Mazzo presented on freediving and photography
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Published On 2/15/2022
We have posted a number of documents describing Monterey dive sites on the aqua tutus website
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Published On 2/1/2022
To all existing, new and would be members of Aqua Tutus Dive Club, Greetings and Welcome from the President and the Board.
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Published On 9/23/2024
aqua tutus' September club dive was at Salt Point state park.
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Published On 7/30/2024
Five tooters dove south monastery july 28, 2024 with low swell and decent vis
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Published On 7/23/2024
10 intrepid club members braved the dark waters of Breakwater, flashlights blazing.
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Published On 6/23/2024
Report of the June 2024 club event at Lovers Cove in which members snorkeled and scuba dived.
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Published On 6/2/2024
May rescue training report
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Published On 5/28/2024
A brief report of the May 18 club dive at Del Monte Beach
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Published On 4/29/2024
lindsay was poc for a successful dive on Wharf II on 4/20.
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Published On 3/31/2024
Good navigation training at McAbee Beach
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Published On 3/2/2024
Tooters met for a successful club dive at south monastary.
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Published On 1/24/2024
Report of club snorkel from McAbee to San Carlos Beach in Monterey, CA.
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Published On 12/1/2023
Our McAbee Club Dive was relocated at the last minute due to conditions.
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Published On 10/31/2023
christina tells us about the october club dive at point lobos
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Published On 9/23/2023
Report on the Sep. 9, 2023 club dive at Carmel River Beach, California.
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Published On 8/29/2023
Monastery south - great day - great dives
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Published On 8/29/2023
Lindsay Martin dove the galapagos aggressor july 6-13. her report is here.
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Published On 8/29/2023
How to find club members and organize a dive.
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Published On 7/6/2023
Our intrepid crew of Ad Hoc Divers met at Breakwater as early as possible 7-1-23. Earliest to arrive was at 7:30am, last just before 8am and we all managed to secure parking on a holiday weekend during a heatwave. Topside conditions were spectacular, full sun, warm and flat. Visibility was a bit compromised and snotty until 20' depth, at which point it opened up to a bit more than 15'.

First dive was along the wall. David Sheh and I clocked in a little over an hour at max depth 34' with a temperature of 55 degrees. Plenty of blues, a large lingcod, solitary but playful seal and plenty of nudibranchs - including many ribbon eggs formations.

Four our second dive all six of us, Oliver, Dave, David, Gian, Walter and myself headed out as a group along the Pipeline to the Metridium Fields. Our navigation was spot on - dropping straight down onto the Pipe when we were trying to circumvent a Kelp Crawl through the lush growth.
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Published On 6/24/2023
Dive report for an ad-hoc dive at carmel river state beach with a dpv.
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Published On 5/31/2023
May Aqua Tutus monthly club dive is well attended and well reviewed.
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Published On 5/2/2023
aqua tutus april monthly club dive was well attended.
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Published On 3/7/2023
three tooters attempted to dive at Van Damme
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Published On 2/26/2023
New club members Christina Clemens, Michael Nadolny, and David Sheh joined Jim Driggers in diving the pipeline on the left side of San Carlos Beach in Monterey, CA.
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Published On 11/14/2022
We got lucky and had superior conditions for Point Lobos. ATDC had five dive teams plus support staff present.
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Published On 11/2/2022
October dive reports from club members during october meeting
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Published On 10/21/2022
Club Dive Description
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Published On 10/5/2022
Aqua Tutus diving club's September club dive report.
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Published On 9/18/2022
Kevin and I did two dives. Calm conditions with nice low rolling swell. Easy entry. Vis poor in upper column but opened up under 30'. First dive straight out from beach, a bit of a surge slog over the rocks on the reef at 12' depth. Second dive we were smarter and did a longer surface swim out from El Torito to the far side of the kelp beds, then a 30 degree heading along the back side of the kelp. Rockfish in the pipelines, decorator crabs, ray - no thresher shark (6' has supposedly been spotted recently). Lots of surface activity out near the pinnacle, sea lion snacking on fresh catch and gulls very excited about the scraps.
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Published On 9/4/2022
aqua tutus dive club's august club dive was at Otter Cove in Monterey ca.
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Published On 8/4/2022
Report for Aquatutus diving club's July club dive. Aqua Tutus holds a club dive each month for its members.
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Published On 8/4/2022
We need a volunteer to be point of contact for Aqua Tutus Diving Club's September club dive.
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Published On 7/12/2022
june club dive report
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Published On 5/23/2022
The May club dive on 5/14/2022 was scheduled for Coral Street. Gian Garriga and Dave Chervin were the only club members who showed up. Gian wanted to have a check out dive for his dry suit. Conditions at Coral Street were flat close in but the surf was up beyond the point creating a potential longshore current that we would need to fight. After watching the current for 15 minutes, we decided to relocate to the Breakwater for a safer dry suit check out dive.
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Published On 5/7/2022
april 2022 club dive report by Jim Driggers
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Published On 3/27/2022
Report on club dive at Otter Cove 3/12/2022
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Published On 3/2/2022
report on the February 12 club dive held at Sana Carlos Beach
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Published On 1/24/2022
January club dive held at outer lovers point 1-22-2022
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Officer reports

Published On 8/13/2024
Minutes of August 2024 membership meeting
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Published On 8/2/2024
Summary of activities at July 2024 meeting
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Published On 7/3/2024
meeting minutes for aqua tutus' June 2024 meeting
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Published On 4/18/2024
Minutes of the April 2024 Membership Meeting
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Published On 4/1/2024
minutes of aqua tutus march 2024 BOD meeting
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Published On 5/16/2023
Minutes of the May 2023 general membership meeting
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Published On 5/2/2023
minutes of aqua tutus' april 2023 general membership meeting
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Published On 3/5/2023
Minutes from february board of directors meeting.
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Published On 2/12/2023
Minutes of the Feb 2023 membership meeting
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Published On 2/2/2023
Minutes of the January 2023 board of directors meeting.
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Published On 2/2/2023
Minutes from aqua tutus' january 2023 general meeting
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Published On 11/15/2022
Summary of the November 2022 membership meeting.
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Published On 9/9/2022
Minutes of the September 2022 general membership meeting.
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Published On 8/15/2022
Notes of the August 2022 general membership meeting.
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Published On 6/12/2022
Minutes of the June 2022 general membership meeting.
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Published On 4/27/2022
Minutes of April 2022 membership meeting
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Published On 3/16/2022
Minutes of March3, 2022 membership meeting.
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Published On 9/23/2024
Seventeen tooters and friends toured the Sunflower star lab
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Published On 9/23/2024
NMS is holdling a webinar on hammerheads
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Published On 8/21/2024
Twenty pint-sized predators—the first of their kind to be bred in captivity and released into the wild—are now crawling around the San Juan Islands.
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Published On 7/30/2024
Marc asks us to fill out a survey providing input to the state on how to address the kelp forest deforestation.
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Published On 4/26/2024
Ongoing urchin culling efforts at Caspar Cove has made an impact on kelp restoration, and help from divers is needed to continue the effort. ATDC members Christina Clemens, Dave Chervin, Erik Pede, and Michael Nadolny have been involved. This webinar recording from April 22, 2024, talks about the progress and ways to actively contribute.
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Published On 1/31/2024
a sunflower star has been found at van damme
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Published On 2/15/2022
Join us for a virtual lecture hosted by the Seymour Center. Small things considered: how phytoplankton make life possible
Thursday, February 24, 2022 6:00–7:15 p.m. PST
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Published On 12/2/2022
Aqua Tutus Dive Club's monthly newsletter the Aqua Tooter. November 2022
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Published On 11/1/2022
Aqua Tutus' Monthly newsletter, the aqua tooter.
October 2022
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Published On 10/4/2022
Aqua Tutus Diving Club September 2022 newsletter called the Aqua Tooter
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Published On 8/31/2022
Aqua Tutus dive club monthly newsletter the Tooter August 2022
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Published On 8/5/2022
July 2022 issue of Aqua Tutus' newsletter, the Tooter.
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Published On 7/12/2022
aqua tutus dive clubs newsletter.
June Aqua Tooter 2022
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Published On 6/3/2022
Aqua Tutus' May 2002 Newsletter, the Tooter
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Published On 5/9/2022
Aqua Tutus' April newsletter the Tooter
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Published On 4/1/2022
Aqua Tutus Diving Club newsletter, the Aqua Tooter
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Published On 3/2/2022
February Aqua Tooter, Aqua Tutus' newsletter. Published the beginning of each from news articles collected over the last month.
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Published On 1/31/2022
january issue of aqua tutus newsletter, the Tooter
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Published On 6/22/2024
Lets Talk About Equipment: SCUBA Cylinders
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Published On 6/2/2024
How It All Began…
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Published On 4/1/2024
Aqua Tutus is scheduling dive training in 2024.
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Published On 7/11/2022
Get together at Dennis' home on dive equipment
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